Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I am organized, man

Organization is Cool

Everything is organized.  I gave away two bags of clothes, a bag of shoes and two bags of audio cds to the goodwill and have even gotten rid of my old computer cables and a few old desktop computers that were only taking up space.  I am no longer your go-to guy for five-year old dayquil.  I have just enough clothes for myself and if I don't wear it, I probably won't own it for long.  I even sorted my socks and got rid of a ton of those.  Sorted my bookcases and moved two of them into another room and started selling old books on amazon.  I am organized man.

Now I really have no excuses not to work on my projects.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A quick Q&A with my parents

Q: Have you found a job yet?
A: No.  I spoke to you yesterday.  Nothing since then.

Q: Heard back on any state jobs?
A: No.  I have not heard back on any state jobs.

Q: Did you read the article about Discrimination against the Unemployed?
A: Yes, I read the article.

Q: Have you found a job yet?
A: No.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Unable to bake cookies, I hold a book sale instead! Book Sale!

Check out my book sale going now!  If you've ever thought about buying a used book, consider buying one from me!  Some of these books haven't even been read!
